Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do you ever wish...

Do you ever wish your kids would just stay small forever? I find myself getting so emotional over the fact that they are growing up. I watch old videos and cry, I see old pictures and get misty eyed. I just wish they would stay little for a little while longer. Sometimes when I get home in the mornings from working all night and the kids are in my bed (yes, I know.. again that is a whole other post) I pick them up and hold them like a baby. I miss that so much! I used to watch them sleep and I would cry just watching them.. okay, so occasionally I still do. They are so active, for so long that when they are asleep and look like little angels I enjoy that moment. They each had "their song" when they were little that we would sing to them every night before bed and occasionally I still get asked to sing "their song". I still can't sing it without the crying but I want to remember how special it was for me to hold them and sing to them every night. They both were simple songs that I made up but it became a nightly event.
Ethan's song was called "Sweet Little Boy"

Got a sweet little boy mommy loves so much, sweet little boy mommy loves,
every time I see him, all I say.. is Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus for the
Sweet Little Boy Mommy Loves!

That was it, just simple and short but he loves it! I think mostly because I tell him about how I would hold him and sing to him. Scarlett likes to her her story, too. Scarlett never liked being held as much as Ethan did. She was always very active. She wanted to be independent from the beginning; but it used to make her so mad when you laid her down and she couldn't do anything! Of my two kids. she was the easiest when it was bedtime. Scarlett even got to where we would put her in her bed, give her the little stuffed bunny that she loved so much and we all stood by her crib and sang to her. She immediately threw bunny on the mattress and laid her head on bunny and off she went to sleep. She loved her song, but she loved for me to sing "Hush Little Baby" to her, too. Scarlett's song was called "Night Night my Sissy Lou" and that was pretty much the words to it. You would tell her Night Night and Sleep Tight and she was out for the night!

It is also funny to me to how slow and just peaceful Ethan's song is compared to Scarlett's, but by the time Scarlett came along I was chasing a 19 month old around I was limited on time! ha! All this reminiscing was brought on by my sneaking in to watch my kids sleep this morning. Life is so fleeting and so fast I don't want to miss anything! I don't want to miss the simple things that I enjoy so much. Do I wish they were still my tiny babies that I sat and held for hours? Sure I miss that.. but I am so excited at watch the future holds for these two I know it will be awesome!

This picture was taken when Scarlett was one month old! It is still one of my most favorite pictures of them. I just love the innocence and how proud Ethan was of his baby sister. (yes, my child had curly dark hair.. go figure! it is now super straight and blonde)

Okay, so enough emotion out of me today! It is still early! ha!

Hope you all have a great day!


Jessica said...

Thank you for the sweet comments! It is so nice to meet you! : ) I am still painting! I'll email you soon and perhaps we can talk! Take care- and don't be a stalker anymore. You are now a friend! : ) God bless!

Leigh Ann said...

Oh, I feel the exact same way! I can't believe that is Scarlett. That doesn't even look like her! It's very sweet!