Friday, August 29, 2008

Just got me to thinking...

My cousin, Katy, had a post about a book that sounded like a definite MUST READ for any mother. The book was titled "Let Me Hold You Longer". It talks about how as a mother we celebrate all the first but seldom do we remember the last. It got me to thinking about how many things in life I take for granted and everyday could be my last. My last hug, my last kiss, my last goodbye. Everything. Sure this book was talking about being a mother and never knowing when will be that last time they need you to tuck them in, the last time they can sit in your lap and listen to a story; but as adults how often do we miss out on the moments with friends and family. We should all learn to cherish the first, but don't become lax in thinking there will be plenty more. I loved the first, and I will be sad to see the last, but I want to live in the NOW! Live to the fullest, live everyday letting my family and friends know how much joy they have brought to me.

It is funny because at bedtime we had the usual meltdown from Miss Scarlett. "Can I please sleep in your bed" "Just one more time" and I refused to give in, and told her she needed to sleep in her bed. Tucked her in and she went to sleep, two hours later she was up crying that she wanted to be in my bed "just one more time". I gave in. I tucked her tightly in bed next to her daddy and I got up on the computer and started reading blogs. Katy's post made me sad. :( This may really be the last time she ask to sleep all curled up next to me, I doubt it.. but it could. She may decided tomorrow she no longer needs that comfort, I doubt it.. but it could happen. It is often sweet to watch her sleep and feel her little feet all cuddled up next to me. I know this too shall pass.

Being that I work in health care, unfortunately I see it everyday. I see people miss their chance for the "last". They miss out on the "I love you" "I am glad your my friend" things are missed everyday. I don't want to miss those things. I want to tell my family I love them, I want to be there when they need my lap to sit on, my hand to hold. I don' t want to miss out on anything. It reminds me of that email that circulated a while back that said "I'm not saving anything!". Each new day is a gift, every day should be a special occasion.

I think I must be hormonal. Everything is making me terribly emotional and making me think way more than I want. It is funny how something as simple as a blog can teach you so much. I have learned so much reading others blogs. That amazing faith of several, the great journey of mothers fighting against illness, the great love of families every where, even people I have never met inspire me. To all my blog friends, I so enjoy reading! To my friends that I thought I knew everything about; I am learning new things every day about you (and convinces me even more why we have been friends for so long), and new friends I am learning more everyday and I see why we "clicked". To my cousin, Katy, I love your blog. You are such a great mom! Kensley, Klay and the new baby are so blessed to have you. Thanks for reminding me to cherish it ALL!


Givens-Craig Family said...

Amen! Thanks for sharing and putting so many of our thoughts in writing. So you know and I don't miss out on saying it, my family is incredibly grateful that God brought your family into our life...(through that wonderful sport of baseball!)

Anonymous said...

Michelle, thanks so much for the post! I'm tearing up reading your blogs. I don't know if its the hormones either, but I have been on a total emotional roller coaster lately. Your blog is precious! I know your getting ready for school with the kids, I'll keep ya'll in my prayers. I truly think its amazing you can do that!

P.S. Kensley made the kids notes from school inviting them to her party. Not my style,(Hannah Montana) but I said I'd pass them on. Ha,ha!

Leigh Ann said...

I have been thinking a lot about this very same thing, Michelle! I loved this post. It is so easy to let life pass you by. I want to grab it all and soak it all in NOW. Thanks for this reminder. I am so thankful you are my friend! Love you!