Thursday, July 3, 2008

Back to normal...

I have decided this week that if you have six kids and still go out in public.. then you are a saint! All four of my nephews stayed with us for a few days this week and it was exhausting. I think my sister in law must be a saint! Four boys is tiring. Total at my house was five boys and one very dramatic little girl that should count as three. I so enjoy have them all here but I do get tired. What one does not think , you can bet that another will. We went swimming, bowling, played on the slip and slide, played in the sprinkler, played back yard ball, x box, watched movies, ate a LOT of food, fought some and yes, we even managed to sleep just a little bit. I always make a huge sleeping area on the floor for all of them to sleep. After the first night some of them c0mplained of back ache! ha! So, I had to come up with a plan for two beds to accomodate six kids. We managed and I think they all had fun.

I think I will think twice before pawning my kids off on Angie again! :) My "too cool" nephew, Mitchell, that is thirteen stayed out of most of the drama with the little ones. Hubby and him stayed outside until late each night and then would stay up and watch TV. Mitchell was three months old when hubby and I started dating, so we have watched him grow and it is so hard for me to believe that he is almost fourteen! I have always wanted him to feel welcome at our house and feel like it is a place he could come anytime. We really enjoy having him around. All that and he is great with Ethan and Scarlett.

We are so excited that our beach trip is in less than a month now! We are leaving July 30th! YIPPEE! We have started the countdown.

Hope you are all having a great summer!


Leigh Ann said...

I cannot believe Mitchell is 13 and I cannot believe you had six kids for several days. You ARE a saint!