Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nothing much to say..

Do you ever feel like you just do not have anything exciting going on to blog about? My week has been pretty normal, except of the couple of minor meltdowns on my part over trying to clean the house! ha! I feel like I have such a mundane schedule most days and then I start to read other blogs and trial and tribulations other are going through and realize I should find comfort and peace in my "normalcy". I have a blessed life! I have two great kids and a wonderful husband and family. What more could I really ask for? Sure there are things.. but they would all be superficial. I am going to try to find joy in my "boring, day to day life" and blog about that! It may be boring but it will be my life!

I did this week decide that no more working full time! After six years I took a full time weekend option job in September and we as a family have been miserable with me working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I even tried working just 11p-7a on Saturday nights, but it was still such a huge burden on me. I have been asked several times in the past about picking up a Thursday, which would put me working four days in a row! I laughed and told them, "I already cry on Sunday, if that was my fourth day I would be suicidal!".. They thought it was funny... but they did not realize how truthful I was being! It became critically evident to us that while I was working for our family and sure the money was great and I was working weekends because that was what was best for our family.. but in saying I wanted what was best for my family I was failing them in two of the most important areas. The kids were not as involved in church as they needed to be (nor us for that matter) and my homeschooling was getting down to the basics, all these great ideas and fun activities were just not happening... we were doing just the basics of reading, writing, and math. So, I was failing my family in trying to take this on and more and more I was becoming convicted that the money was not important. My family being in church was what mattered.

So, I handed in my notice that I would no longer be able to work on Saturday nights and work the weekend schedule and there was such a true weight lifted off of me the minute I let it be said. I know I made the right decision, I just pray that we all adjust well, yet again! I thank God for the conviction and not giving up!

I hope you all have a blessed weekend coming up!


Leigh Ann said...

Yeah for you! I'm with is not everything and kids grow up so fast. Although I'm sure your feeling of "failing them" was not how they saw it. I think moms are harder on themselves than anyone else. You were doing what you thought was best, and it's okay to change your mind. I think what's best changes all the time with different phases families go through. I do believe in the conviction feelings. When you get that feeling of a burden lifted, I really believe that means you have listened to what God is calling you to do. It's the best feeling ever! And now, girls' night out should be more enjoyable for you! :) Thank you for your comments about Evan. It means a lot to me! We ARE so blessed! Hugs!