Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year and New Thoughts...

I read this article in a local magazine here and it was so appropriate for a new year and some new thoughts. I thought I would paraphrase and add some thoughts and some revelations for 2009. Yes, I am a little late on the whole New Years Resolutions.. I have a few, but if I NEVER verbalize them I seem to do a little better. This article talked about kicking a bad man "to the curb"; but it went much further than that. It talked about things in our life that need to be "kicked to the curb". Wow, do I have plenty of those things. Rather it is pettiness, worry, gossip, fear, anything that wastes my time and does not bring joy or fulfillment to my life. This year I am going to visualize my self kicking each one of my bad habits to the curb. How fun it will be to watch all those bad things go out with the trash. Bad habits are no way to treat YOURSELF! No way to treat a woman. You would kick a bad man to the curb if he didn't treat you right, so why would you treat yourself bad, too? While others will be proud of your changes, and proud of your new found joy, it will be YOU that takes charge of your own life and the things you do. January being the month of resolutions and revelations, I have found I need to TAKE OUT THE TRASH! Meet me on the curb in 2009! :)


Megan L Hutchings said...

oooohhhh...I love that!